Our Services

Parent Project®, Sr.

Practical parenting solutions to address the most destructive adolescent behaviors, ages eleven to twenty-one.

Parent Project®, Jr.

Designed specifically for parents raising difficult younger children, ages 5-10 years. This program utilizes the same principles found successful in Parent Project® Sr., but adapted to the needs of younger children.”

Personal Coaching

Meet individually with an experienced parenting coach to discuss your personal family situation.

Preparing Our Kids For Success

A truancy intervention program for parents specifically designed to help communities and school districts support parents in engaging in absenteeism, truancy, and increase school performance.

"No more yelling! I have learned about how a teen thinks and some of the issues they are facing in school and society today. I feel this has better equipped me to be prepared to discuss these big issues with my teen. I also benefitted from talking to the people at my table who are going through the same things I am. I don’t feel alone or like I am failing as a parent anymore. I wish I would have taken this class when my son was younger. Things in our house were really bad when I started this class. My teen was failing in school, getting into legal trouble and we wanted to put them out of the house and never speak to them again. We aren’t walking around on egg shells anymore because of his mood. We (parents) are now running our household again."   — Josie, Westfield, IN

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