• My kids are not acting out the way I see other kids and I would not consider their behaviors out-of-control. Am I still right for the programs offered by Parenting Solutions?

    Absolutely! We believe the information learned applies to all families and can only help to enhance what you are already doing. Each class is beneficial to parents no matter what. In fact after completing the class many parents comment they wished they had completed the class before problems developed so they would know how to handle the behaviors before they got out-of-control.

  • Zoom for 2.5 hours seems like a long time. Why can’t the class be shorter?

    The class is lengthy, but packed with valuable information and interactive sessions for an engaging experience. The program used to be sixteen (16) weeks and has been condensed into the ten (10) weeks. Many parents find time flies due to the engaging facilitators and parent interactions. It's a worthwhile investment!

  • Can I sign-up for the class and then watch a recorded video of each class?

    No. The program's strength lies in your ability to connect with other parents facing similar situations, engage with trained facilitators for guidance, and receive support. Your presence is important!

  • What are the requirements for attending on Zoom?

    To attend class online you'll need a device for Zoom, headphones with a microphone, and a quiet space. A zoom account is available for free. Privacy is important because we protect participants confidentiality and anonymity. So you will need to be in a private space in your home during the class.

  • What if I have to leave the room for a minute?

    No worries! We know these things can happen. Just switch off your camera and come back quickly. If you frequently leave during class and miss a lot of time, we might ask you to take the class at a different time when you are able to be present.

  • Do you offer classes in-person?

    Not currently. We have offered classes in-person and as a hybrid model (some in-person and then shifting to on-line), but at this time elected to have our programs on-line. Many parents with strong-willed or out-of-control children have a hard time finding someone to watch their child, and because of the on-line platform we are able to reach them and other parents around the state.

  • What do I get by doing this class through Parenting Solutions and not another agency?

    By becoming part of the Parenting Solutions family you are able to schedule personal coaching sessions with one of our coaches, participate in our Alumni Support Group (led by a trained facilitator), and if at any time you feel you would like to go back through the course you are able to do that one additional time. You will also need to purchase a current workbook if the version you have is not current.

  • What if we are divorced/separated and I don’t want to be in the same group as my ex?

    We try to accommodate you as much as we can. We understand this can be uncomfortable for both of you. If you communicate your feelings prior to class starting we will try and place you both in separate groups.

  • Is the cost per person or per family?

    Cost is per family address. If you or your spouse/significant other want to attend the only additional cost would be for an additional workbook (currently $40) if you don’t want to share a book. You will need to be on the same Zoom screen as there are certain activities where you are asked to work together. There is a discount available if two family addresses would like to attend. Please contact us to discuss.

  • Is there a lot of work outside of class time?

    Each week you will have what Parent Project® calls “Steps of Success.” Which are small homework assignments where you will actively complete or implement something you learned from the class. After implementing the task you answer questions on how you did, reaction of your child, etc. Parents that don’t practice what they learned are parents who don’t see transformation in their home. Implementation is the key to changing your situation.

  • I can’t afford paying for the class is there help?

    Yes, our desire is to serve families. For those families where finances can be a barrier we have limited scholarships available. Click here for more information about how you can apply for one of our scholarships. Our goal is to contract with agencies (schools, counties, non-profit organizations, etc.) in order to secure funding to help reduce the cost for parents. If your school district or county is not currently working with Parenting Solutions we encourage you to reach out to them and have them contact us to discuss working together.

  • What is required of me to enroll in the class?

    In order to enroll simply click on the service desired, fill out the registration form, and submit the $50 non-refundable deposit. This locks in our spot for the semester requested.

  • What if I have to miss a session?

    In order to graduate with successful completion (earn a certificate) you are only allowed to miss one (1) class. If you miss more than one (1) class you are missing over five (5) hours of class instruction and the relationship building that comes from connecting with other parents. Our program builds on the previous weeks information so your presence in class matters. If you miss more than two weeks you may be asked to take the class at a later date when you are able to be present. This would be at no additional cost to you.

  • What if I have an emergency that happens that requires me to miss multiple weeks?

    We understand sometimes life happens. So if you have something unexpected come up during the class and you are unable to continue attending. We will simply schedule you to attend another semester at no additional charge.

  • How will I receive my workbook since class is on Zoom?

    You will pick-up your workbook at our office in Noblesville, IN one (1) week prior to class (See below for shipping information).

  • I don’t live near Noblesville, Indiana. Can I still attend?

    Absolutely! All our classes are currently on Zoom. The only additional cost, for those that are not able to pick-up their book from our Noblesville office, is a shipping cost. In order to ship the workbook we ask that you simply log-on to the website for FedEx or UPS, create a shipping label, pay the cost of that label, and email us the label. We will then send the book to you after you attend week #1.

Frequently Asked Questions

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